Just a short note on this pedal. I received it from Thomann on time as usual, everything 100%. First class built quality. This is handmade in the USA and it sure feels like something special the moment you open the box, everything is solid and feels secure. Setting it up was very simple and easy, I chained it from my TC electronics Mojo Mojo overdrive to the delay, also TC pedal, Flashback II. Sound-wise. The pedal needs some experimental tweakings on start. Do not expect overwhelming results on first try but when you have found your proper mix, this pedal will amaze you. If I would describe it, its characteristics are somewhat dark, mystical-dreamy, those at Walrus have obviously dived deep when they developed the pedal.
As I mentioned I used an overdrive on the first try but nonetheless, it can shine without overdrive, just a matter of each personal taste.
There are of course many choices if you are considering a reverb pedal but at this price point, this one is a winner!