This is a high-quality, low-price pedal - I highly recommend it!
I was looking for a way to boost the level of my guitar during solos. I found that boost pedals not only made my guitar louder, but altered the tone in ways that I didn't like; they also introduced a lot of unwanted noise. All I wanted was something to make my solos stand out.
I had seen articles on the internet suggesting that an EQ pedal, placed last in the signal chain, might do the trick. My idea was to try the least expensive REPUTABLE product that I could find, and this Behringer seemed to fill the bill.
It turns out that this is exactly correct! With all the bands set at 0 and the level bumped up a couple of Db, this pedal gives my sound a small boost without altering the tone at all. Even better, the Behringer EQ700 is extremely quiet!
Although I don't use it as an EQ per se, I have played with it in that role and it seems to do very well. In fact, if I decide to add a graphic EQ type pedal to my chain, I will buy another one of these.
My only word of caution would be that the casing is made of plastic. I suspect that if you are very hard on pedals and are stomping on this one a lot, it will eventually break (and probably at the worst possible time). However, since I use a loop switcher, I never need to activate the footswitch on this pedal, so I expect that it will last a very long time.
Overall, I highly recommend this pedal as a level boost!