Here's some info that I couldn't find anywhere online:
- The barrel connectors are all of the same size, which is 5.5 x 2.1 mm (standard format for guitar effects).
- The output of the PSU is center negative. The red cable reverses the polarity to center positive.
- The two daisy-chain cables are identical, no difference at all.
So with this kit you can power 9 pedals at once. However with many pedals connected via daisy chain, I get lots of buzz. Not sure if it comes from the PSU or if it's a ground loop of sorts.
It's not relevant to this PS, but here's some extra info: it won't help you power Volca units, because Volcas have barrel connectors 4.75 x 1.7 mm. However, with the red polarity inverter cable the only missing bit is the adapter from 5.5 x 2.1 to 4.75 x 1.7 mm (which I found elsewhere).