I had been looking for a pedalboard and a power supply for a while. My initial choice narrowed down to a Pedaltrain board (PT-3 w/ soft case), and Cioks AC10 for the PSU. I had never before used Cioks, but comparisons and reviews concluded that the product in question is of high quality, and it has enough juice for a great amount of pedals. I also had an AC pedal (older Blackstar HT-series) and the AC10 seemed like a fitting choise.
When I opened the packaging and took a first look into it, the AC10 was heavier yet smaller than I had expected. The build quality is top notch, and the sturdy construction gives me an impression that this was made for serious use.
I mounted it underneath my Pedaltrain board with blind rivets, with the help of instructions Cioks provides in their website. The procedure was fairly easy, and can be done even with low mechanical skills. The power supply functions flawlessly both with the few DC pedals I have and the AC pedal, and I don't see a reason to replace it anytime soon. I've been using this for just a couple of months now, so I cannot comment on long-term reliability or such.
It isn't cheap, for sure. But if you want a quality power supply, Cioks sure can make one.