Denis Wick started in 1978, when Denis Wick founded the company Denis Wick Products Ltd.. The company is situated in Dorset, GB. According to official records a total of 20 members of staff are working for company Denis Wick (status 2011). The official German branch is company Arnold Stölzel GmbH in Wiesbaden (D).
Currently we hold a total of 384 Denis Wick products - 267 of them are currently in stock . Denis Wick has been a part of our range since 1993.
To inform our customers as best we can about Denis Wick products, you will find a total of 5675 media, reviews and test reports on Denis Wick products on our website - among them the following 1687 pictures, 20 detailed 360 views and 3968 user reviews.
At the moment you will find Denis Wick top sellers in the following product categories Cup damper for trumpet, Euphonium Mouthpieces with L-shaft, mouthpieces for alto horn, Trombone Mouthpieces with Large Shank, Bass Trombone Mutes, French Horn Mutes and Cup mutes for tenor trombone.
An absolute best seller of the brand is the following product Denis Wick DW5531 Trumpet Cup. We have sold already over 20.000 of these.
The manufacturer grants a 2 year(s) warranty on its products, but with our 3-Year Thomann Warranty we offer you one year more.
Denis Wick products belong to the most visited ones on our website. Within the last month more than 500.000 product pages of the manufacturer have been hit in our Online Store.
We also offer our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee for Denis Wick products, a 3-year warranty, and many additional services such as qualified product specialists, an on-site service department and much more.
You can find more information about the manufacturer on