I've always been a fan of multiple switches and tonal options in my guitars, and when I found out about this switch, I wanted to install this to my traditional tele with single coils. I loved the idea of having multiple switching options without altering the looks of your guitar.
Installation is quite easy as solder sticks easily to the pads on the switch. The switch is larger than I expected though, not much larger than a traditional switch on most Fender MIM/MIA guitars but if your guitar has a smaller PCB style switch, make sure the cavity can fit this.
The switch has two banks, first has the regular positions and the second bank has the extra positions. Out of the extra positions, the series position (like a humbucker) was the most important for me, the other two extra positions are series reverse phase and parallel reverse phase. A four way switch can be used to achieve the series tone as well, but two extra tonal options without push-pull pots etc. are welcome. Whether they're useful is up to you and I recommend listening to a demo before buying.
My biggest complaint however, is that the switch feels a bit flimsy to use when switching between the positions in a bank. It's easy to miss the middle position if you're quickly switching pickups, since the switch doesn't quickly snap to position. The stock switch in my MIM Fender tele felt significantly better.
If you're looking mostly to add the series option, I'd get a four way switch instead, but the extra tonal options this switch offers still makes it worth it if you're going to use them.