I’ve been considering to buy this ac filter for a long long time, finally got it. And, i’m super glad that i did it. Best purchase ever! I’m playing on stage and every venue has their own energy supply which is not delivering a good filtered energy. So, i realized that my amp sounds different on different venues. So, after Furman, it’s much more stable in aspect of tone and character of the sound. There are 2 plug outs, so i use 1 for amp and 1 for pedalboard, so it’s great. If you are also suffering from noise, this gear also blocks them. Not all the time, but mostly. I’m still considering to buy a small voltage regulator and connect Furman to it, since Furman is just filtering, not regulating. Regulation is also a need on stage, in my opinion… Lastly, Furman also protects your amp and other gear from sudden voltage changes, so no worries to play in a rainy or stormy weather. You feel really safe while playing with Furman! Totally recommended!