The bag is very high quality, and I feel safe taking my bass through the city and on public transport with it, etc. It's sturdy and comfortable.
The part of the case for holding the bow/bow case is just for a fractional sized bow, and I use a normal sized bow. This leaves my bow case sticking up from the case. It hasn't caused me any problems so far, but if I didn't have my bow already in a case, it would be a serious concern.
The problem that really gets me, which could be a massive headache for young students (I'm just an old guy who enjoys playing a small bass) and their parents, teachers, etc. is that the pockets in the back are not nearly large enough to hold full size sheet music, music books, etc.!! It's mind-boggling, because there is enough room for one pocket that could accommodate this, but instead there are two nearly useless pockets. Music printed on A4 paper has to be folded to fit into one of them, which is ok-ish for photocopies, but a no-go for lots of things one might want to use them for.