Gotoh products are exclusively manufactured in factories in Japan.
Currently we have 317 Gotoh products 197 of them directly available in our Treppendorf warehouse (and of course they can be tested as well in our shop) . Gotoh has been a part of our range since 1993.
With a total of 5644 media, reviews and test reports about Gotoh products you will find a substantial amount of additional information on our website e.g. the following 2294 product images, 289 different 360 panoramic views and 3061 costumers' product reviews.
From a total of 317 products 78 products are top sellers at Thomann amongst others in the following categories Guitar Bridges, Standard Tremolos, Floyd Rose Tremolos, Bass Bridges, 6L Tuning Machines for Guitar, Guitar/Bass Jack Socket Covers and P-90 Pickups.
The current top seller is the following product Gotoh In-Tune BS T-Style Saddles Set. An absolute hit is the following product Gotoh SD91-05M MG-T Locking 6L N - we have sold this item over 1.000 times already.
Gotoh only grants a 2 year(s) warranty on its products but with the 3-Year Thomann Warranty you are covered for a further one year.
The Gotoh product pages have the most hits. Within the last month our visitors have visited the product pages of this manufacturer more than 550.000 times.
Thomann is also cheaper on Gotoh products than most of the other competitors. Within the last three months we have reduced the prices of 80 Gotoh products.
You can find more information about the manufacturer on