The build quality is amazing and sturdy. it has NO blemishes bumps or scraches. It has contours everywhere you need them and the pots and switch are in a good place to use and to not hit mistakenly. the satin finish is amazing and the high fret access is effortless. the frets are not sharp at all and well rounded and leveled. the nut is cut really good and the strings dont get cought.the tuners are generic and they stay in tune for a lot. the neck is thin and really fast and not sticky at all. the string spacing is really nice and the fingers dont get mushed together . it has side dots. the guitar is ballanced and is comfortable for playing on the side,classical potition and standed up. the pots and switch are smooth and silent (no crackling). a variety of tones on the 5 way switch. Full humbuckers, splitted bridge and splited both pickups. the pickups are generic, good and thin. the guitar came setted up with perfect neck and almost my preferred string height and the intonation was on point except the G string that was a bit off. i live in a place that the weather constantly changes, i had dryness, rains, cold and hot since i got it and the neck hasnt moved at all. the sustain is really good even when you streach out the bends. the strings glide through the body smoothly and they dont stick in them at all. the whole guitar is an amazing instrument to have but also to upgrade and from the research ive made there are a lot of compatable parts for that guitar.