This case is fantastic for the money. The suitcase-style locking mechanisms initially seem odd on a violin case but are extremely secure. The case is extremely light, I barely notice carrying it. The case does not, however, afford much room for anything else. It is fortunate I do not use a shoulder rest, as it would not fit in this case. My main issue with this case is storage space. Obviously, storage space has been sacrificed for the extreme lightness of the case. My bow (a Lupot copy) barely fits into either of the bow holding spaces. The bow is the standard length and once struggles to fit it in. The screw of the bow protrudes a little longer than the space afforded. With some careful work, one can fit their bow in this case, but I wouldn't want to keep a bow in here for very long as it is a little cramped. This case is, however, excellent for travel, and I use it for travelling to sessions. There is no pocket to store music, in case anyone was wondering. I love the case, it is very useful and a helpful bit of kit when travelling with violins.