I own a bunch of cheaper Gator hangers and wanted a K&M, as it should be better. It wasn't.
First, the construction is kinda sub-par. The hanging holes are soft and a screw cuts them when tightening. A couple of metal washers can fix it, but I believe, they ended up too expensive for K&M. Second, this thing is really never that stable, the base plate wiggles under load (and I'm used to the fact wall hangers don't do this).
Second, the hook is, uhm, weird. It has no center point for the headstock, that's why all headstocks will wiggle. You cannot just hang the guitar and let it settle in, you need to control, how exactly do you place the headstock, as very many options exist (and in most the guitar is hitting the wall).
Third, the hook is just too short from the wall. My guitars just hit the wall with the body. And again, I don't have all these problems with Gator hangers at all.