The frame has excellent ergonomics. Very nice wood, light and dense. I could play for hours on a frame like that, lapsyle or upright. Finition very nice. I mean it's difficult to ask more, this is really a good job. The bevel on the rim is top. I liked the skin less, i was tired of the matte sound over the months and i ended up putting another skin on this delicious frame. Honestly, the skin was flawless, of very uniform width and everything, but this is a type of skin preparation that i dont enjoy that much, mainly because of the lack of brightness. But let's be clear : this is a matter of personal and acquired taste, and this is something witch evolves, specially within the first couple of years of practice. My advice would be to give it a try and see how you feel with the sound. And if later you change your mind, your'e left with a top quality tunable frame to work on.