It was hard to choose the right VCA for a very compact travel case.
The Nano ALT is literally the one module that could deliver the most features with the tiniest HP footprint. The build quality is fantastic, and it came with a set of Befaco's knurlies.
Ash I've called this the winner of the 'VCAs battle', let me mention the other modules that shared the podium with it, which will reveal the qualities of the NANO ALT.
-Silver medal goes to Malekko's Quad VCA. It has the same HP as our gold medalist, it has mutes (which is a big bonus), BUT you have to share two knobs for four different channels, not handy at all.
-Bronze medal goes to Intellijel's Quad Vca, its only fault being too big.
If you need some VCAs and you don't have much space, ALT NANO is the module for you.