I bought this board for use in small gigs for when space is an issue. I only needed 3 to 5 pedals to fit on the board.
The price was very good, the quality of the product was excellent. Came with a nice soft-case, a few strips of Velcro, and a handful of cable ties.
Very light, even when loaded with pedals. Sturdy bag, good strap and Zip. Small, great space saver (especially if you use micro pedals). Great Price.
The case is good quality, but its a pretty tight squeeze to fit the board in, if you have any pedal overhang at all, or a power lead a bit wide you really have to jam it in. The height of the board is very small. So unless you are using batteries or a very thin power supply, your PS is going to be sitting on top which can kill a lot of space. There is also no way to adjust this. This is in no way a massive deal breaker, I've been keeping my PS off the board just fine.