OK so I bought these as part of a bigger order but am unsure whether I’ll keep them or not.
I bought 4 units. Each unit is supposed to be held together with 4 screws.
No1 - had 3 screws holding it together
No2 - had 2 screws holding it together, 2 were loose in the bag inside its box, they’d popped out.
NO3 - had 4 screws holding it together but not one single screw was tight and could have fallen out at any point
No4 - had different screws altogether from boxes 1,2 and 3
It’s the first time I’ve bought Stairville product, the rest of my engineer friends warned me that you get what you pay for but this is shocking.
4 boxes - none of which meet anything close to what I might have described as satisfactory quality.
Unfortunately, I am a position where I actually need these for a job, and so now I have to go and buy a tap/die kit to actually thread the chassis, and then also the bolts of a significant length and thread type that I might actually be able to get the chassis to put together properly to satisfactory build quality.
How very disappointing this product has been and I’ve only just this evening opened them