I bought this card for a couple reasons...I wanted more than 2 inputs, I liked the steinberg branding which meant better interface management, I loved the loopback function and the USB-C self powering connection.
Well, I've got the inputs thankfully!
The steinberg integration seems to...not exist :/ I don't know but even though I installed the steinberg extension there is no sign of additional buttons when opening an audio track.
The loopback function is a half joke, they sponsored it as a way to loopback the daw to inputs 1&2, which is true except, it's looping the whole pc, not the daw (which I assumed was Cubase only), and this means that if you are on a videocall and want to loopback your project the person will also hear his voice back, unless you route the pc listening to somewhere else.
Plus...inputs 1&2 are the only hi-z inputs so yep, no loopback and playing guitar at the same time.
The USB-C power is another joke. The cable the soundcard came with is not enough...when you turn it on it blinks the main knob light, meaning there is not enough power (and I'm using a usb-c Gen3 port).
Don't buy it, it's not yet ready and the usb 2 models are still great and working the same.