I have always been disappointed with cymbal cases and bags. Bags are light but don't offer protection, cases seem to be fiddly, and involve tightening screws for what seems like forever. I was wary when I first looked at this product, as it seemed that the spindle had no sleeving and so would damage the cymbals, and I couldn't work out how the cymbals were clamped in ti so thought they may move about ini transit and rub against each other.
Well, I needn't have worried. The spindle doesn't have sleeving, but doesn't need any. It is highly polished and offers a tight fit for the cymbals so there will be no rubbing or wear on the cymbal hole. It also comes with a clamp which is slid over the top cymbal and tightened, holding it in place. I may put a felt washer between the clamp and the cymbal, but this is easily done.
The case is quite heavy, so with cymbals is not a light option, but when you have people thinking they are being helpful and carrying your stuff and then dropping it, I feel like my cymbals are safe as houses in this, and it also was loads cheaper than other cases, such as the hardcase one, which I also have and I find really annoying to use.
Save some money, keep your cymbals safe, and buy this. It also locks.