When I purchased this instrument I was not looking to have something just for fun or to have kids play it. I really picked it up because of my love and addiction to different instruments and exploring different sounds. Another inspiration for this came from Zappa and trying to integrate even such 'theatrical' sounds into the music.
Another review here mentions that "it is hard to keep it in tune", and that is in fact a very interesting thing about this instrument and by no means a negative point. If you are aware of what you are buying, you should look no further than Wikipedia which mentions that "traditional kalimba note layouts are often idiosyncratic, sometimes with adjacent tines making part of a scale, but then an odd note thrown in that defies the pattern". When I saw that explanation I was sure that this instrument is for me.
The feel of the instrument itself is really great and the finish done on it is pretty nice and neat. You should not expect a very loud sound from this tiny instrument, but if you know what you are buying you will definitely get an idea where to use it imaginatively.
For sure it amazes everyone around you if you show it to them and kids will also love it, but the interesting point here that remains is the the unusual sound and layout it offers you to get creative with while playing it alongside other (un)usual instruments.