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Doepfer A-150


Dual VCS Module

  • Two voltage-controlled switches
  • Voltages of -8V to + 8V can be processed
  • Two LEDs
  • Euro rack format
  • Power requirements: +30 mA (+12V) / -10 mA (-12V)
  • Width: 4 HP / 20.0 mm
  • Depth: 30 mm (measured from the rear of the front panel)
Available since June 2007
Item number 114728
Sales Unit 1 piece(s)
Width 4 TE / HP
215 AED 54,62 €
The price in AED is a guideline price only
Since we ship from Germany, additional costs through taxes and customs may be incurred
In stock

22 Customer ratings

4.9 / 5
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10 Reviews

A simple and affordable module with countless uses
Zoë 07.03.2014
This small, unassuming module is useful for all sorts of things. The trick is to think as laterally as possible, which is always good advice when using a modular synthesiser.

When feeding it a slow gate, such as the accent from a TB-303 style step sequencer, you can make certain notes have quirky features. For example, most notes can go through a filter's low-pass mode, while accented ones go through its high-pass mode. Or most notes can be square waves while the accented ones are sawtooth waves.

But the distinction between a control voltage and an audio signal is arbitrary. Audible, even tuned square waves can be thought of as very fast gates. So using an oscillator's square wave output, you can alternate between waveforms and filter types and anything else you can imagine so fast that you can play a melody on the alternation itself, making bizarre new waveforms in the process.

Indeed, using nothing more than an A-110 and an A-150, you can create waveforms that are, say, sawtooth for the first part of the cycle and triangle for the second part, with the pulsewidth dictating when the switch occurs. That's pretty West Coast for such an ostensibly East Coast synthesiser.

I'd recommend this module to anyone who likes thinking laterally, as it can add new dimensions to even the simplest of other modules.
This small, unassuming module is useful for all sorts of things. The trick is to think as laterally as possible, which is always good advice when using a modular synthesiser.

When feeding it a slow gate, such as the accent from a TB-303 style step sequencer, you can make certain notes have quirky features. For example, most notes can go through a filter's
This small, unassuming module is useful for all sorts of things. The trick is to think as laterally as possible, which is always good advice when using a modular synthesiser.

When feeding it a slow gate, such as the accent from a TB-303 style step sequencer, you can make certain notes have quirky features. For example, most notes can go through a filter's low-pass mode, while accented ones go through its high-pass mode. Or most notes can be square waves while the accented ones are sawtooth waves.

But the distinction between a control voltage and an audio signal is arbitrary. Audible, even tuned square waves can be thought of as very fast gates. So using an oscillator's square wave output, you can alternate between waveforms and filter types and anything else you can imagine so fast that you can play a melody on the alternation itself, making bizarre new waveforms in the process.

Indeed, using nothing more than an A-110 and an A-150, you can create waveforms that are, say, sawtooth for the first part of the cycle and triangle for the second part, with the pulsewidth dictating when the switch occurs. That's pretty West Coast for such an ostensibly East Coast synthesiser.

I'd recommend this module to anyone who likes thinking laterally, as it can add new dimensions to even the simplest of other modules.


Good low cost cv switch for eurorack
J Synth 04.12.2019
It is useful for switching between cv signals in a eurorack system, with a surprising amount of uses. A small module, but benefical noetheless.


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Un petit bout de A-150-8 :-)
AnalogGuy 25.09.2021
Le A-150 est comme un quart de A-150-8 en un peu moins évolué (le -8 possède 8 switch mais on peut programmer des groupes et il y a en plus des boutons fugitifs pour chaque switch).
Donc deux switch programmables par CV. Marche dans les deux sens, un switch peut envoyer un signal vers l'une ou l'autre des sorties ou deux signaux peuvent être envoyés vers une sortie.
C'est très pratique pour basculer d'un filtre à l'autre, changer de séquence, bref c'est un aiguillage modifiable par CV. Et il y en a deux.
Pour des applications plus complexes le A-150-8 propose 8 switchs.
Un module qu'on ne penserait pas à acheter en premier c'est évident, mais qui rend de grands services.
Le A-150 est comme un quart de A-150-8 en un peu moins évolué (le -8 possède 8 switch mais on peut programmer des groupes et il y a en plus des boutons fugitifs pour chaque switch).
Donc deux switch programmables par CV. Marche dans les deux sens, un switch peut envoyer un signal vers l'une ou l'autre des sorties ou deux signaux peuvent être envoyés vers une
Le A-150 est comme un quart de A-150-8 en un peu moins évolué (le -8 possède 8 switch mais on peut programmer des groupes et il y a en plus des boutons fugitifs pour chaque switch).
Donc deux switch programmables par CV. Marche dans les deux sens, un switch peut envoyer un signal vers l'une ou l'autre des sorties ou deux signaux peuvent être envoyés vers une sortie.
C'est très pratique pour basculer d'un filtre à l'autre, changer de séquence, bref c'est un aiguillage modifiable par CV. Et il y en a deux.
Pour des applications plus complexes le A-150-8 propose 8 switchs.
Un module qu'on ne penserait pas à acheter en premier c'est évident, mais qui rend de grands services.


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doepfer dual switches
shby 24.07.2019
Nickel pour du contrôle de CV.
Pour de l'audio, ça marche mais pas de buffer donc quelques glitches ou clicks lors du changement de circuit.


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