In my chain this pedal is the highest hierarchically, extending its scope over the entire chain from the guitar input to the return of the fx loop of my tube amp.
Since currently i have an twofold impedance mismatch between an amp and a cab, it produces a constant low hum, making playing a single coil guitar through the setup being excessively noisy. Implementing a noise-gate X-connection with this pedal battled every type of noise that could appear in my chain, and had just enough controls to make it sound organic.
My main points of experience:
+ The noise-gate X-connection does not damage the tone, and no phase cancellation running it through a long loop has been a problem;
+ The range of control values on the knobs can make this pedal take on more functionality than just of a noise gate, so however strange it may sound, it may be played around with as well;
+ Small current draw, as of the majority of EHX pedals, favors the owners of large pedalboards;
- Even though it can be tweaked with the proper combination of "Threshold" and "Reduction", it seems to have been more intuitive to have a separate "Attack" knob. However the pedal functions just as well without it.