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Frap Tools Falistri


Eurorack Module

  • Analogue movement manager
  • Consists of two function generators that can be used as envelopes, LFOs and VCOs (with V/Oct. tracking)
  • Characteristic curve of each time segment adjustable
  • The shape of the segment can be set independently of time
  • Quadrature mode
  • Trigger button for both function generators
  • Bipolar and unipolar output per channel
  • EOR and EOF trigger outputs per channel
  • Two cascaded flip-flop circuits for use as suboscillarors of clock dividers
  • DC-coupled four-quadrant multiplier for amplitude modulation
  • Ring modulation and for use as VCA
  • Slew limiter with adjustable rise and reset time
  • Power consumption: 170 mA (+12 V) / 170 mA (-12 V)
  • Width: 92 mm
  • Depth: 38 mm
Available since January 2019
Item number 457472
Sales Unit 1 piece(s)
Width 18 TE / HP
1.539 AED 384,87 €
Plus 279 AED shipping
The price in AED is a guideline price only
Since we ship from Germany, additional costs through taxes and customs may be incurred
In stock

8 Customer ratings

5 / 5
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7 Reviews

Very useful module
vaxxon 12.01.2021
I originally got this module to replace a Make Noise Maths, but they end up complementing each other so well they I kept both. Falistri does have more EOR/EOC outputs than Maths, more independent control over the shape and time of the rise/fall phases, a weird "quadrature" mode, and a ring modulator, voltage divider, and dedicated slew circuit (that Maths lacks) that end up in almost every patch. On the other hand, Maths' mixing and summing features come in handy often.

My one con is that the envelopes Falistri generates are sometimes a little too aggressive for my VCAs, leading to some clipping (Maths doesn't have this issue). Otherwise a very beautiful and functional module.
I originally got this module to replace a Make Noise Maths, but they end up complementing each other so well they I kept both. Falistri does have more EOR/EOC outputs than Maths, more independent control over the shape and time of the rise/fall phases, a weird "quadrature" mode, and a ring modulator, voltage divider, and dedicated slew circuit (that Maths lacks) that
I originally got this module to replace a Make Noise Maths, but they end up complementing each other so well they I kept both. Falistri does have more EOR/EOC outputs than Maths, more independent control over the shape and time of the rise/fall phases, a weird "quadrature" mode, and a ring modulator, voltage divider, and dedicated slew circuit (that Maths lacks) that end up in almost every patch. On the other hand, Maths' mixing and summing features come in handy often.

My one con is that the envelopes Falistri generates are sometimes a little too aggressive for my VCAs, leading to some clipping (Maths doesn't have this issue). Otherwise a very beautiful and functional module.


Better than Excellent.
Andre1865 22.04.2022
This module, like many FrapTools modules, is not self explanatory. but once you figure out how it all works you realise that they've packed in so much great functionality in a small unit that does some amazing things. cannot recomend this enough!


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Top Modul mit viel Lernpotential Top module with a lot of learning potential
lukehrm 22.04.2021
Man muss Module von Frap Tools als Herausforderung annehmen – und dann geben sie einem unheimlich viel. Das Falistri ist in jedem Patch im Einsatz, ob als Oszillator für Sync-Dienste oder eine zweite Stimme, also modulierbarer LFO oder als Hüllkurve. Zu selten nutze ich derzeit den Slew, dafür hat sich aber schon der Frequenzteiler ideal für generative Patches erwiesen. Will es nicht mehr missen – und ich finde zudem, dass es einfach klasse aussieht :)
Man muss Module von Frap Tools als Herausforderung annehmen – und dann geben sie einem unheimlich viel. Das Falistri ist in jedem Patch im Einsatz, ob als Oszillator für Sync-Dienste oder eine zweite Stimme, also modulierbarer LFO oder als Hüllkurve. Zu selten nutze ich derzeit den Slew, dafür hat sich aber schon der Frequenzteiler ideal für generative Patches
Man muss Module von Frap Tools als Herausforderung annehmen – und dann geben sie einem unheimlich viel. Das Falistri ist in jedem Patch im Einsatz, ob als Oszillator für Sync-Dienste oder eine zweite Stimme, also modulierbarer LFO oder als Hüllkurve. Zu selten nutze ich derzeit den Slew, dafür hat sich aber schon der Frequenzteiler ideal für generative Patches erwiesen. Will es nicht mehr missen – und ich finde zudem, dass es einfach klasse aussieht :)
You have to accept modules from Frap Tools as a challenge - and then they give you an incredible amount. The Falistri is used in every patch, whether as an oscillator for sync services or a second voice, i.e. a modulable LFO or as an envelope. I don't use the slew too often at the moment, but the frequency divider has proven to be ideal for generative patches. I don't want to be without it anymore - and I also think it looks great :)


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Mieux que Maths Better than Math
Pierre B. 122 27.02.2020
probablement le module qui se rapproche le plus d'un SERGE DUSG. Excellente qualité sonore lorsqu'il est employé comme VCO.
Il ne prend pas de signal en entrée mais propose en compensation d'un slew limiteur, deux diviseurs d'horloge et accessoirement d'un modulateur en anneau.
probably the module that comes closest to a SERGE DUSG. Excellent sound quality when used as a VCO. It does not take an input signal but offers as compensation a slew limiter, two clock dividers and incidentally a ring modulator.


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