Straight out of the box the guitar played pretty good, just minor adjustments were required.
Sound wise, 5 positions to select from means its a versatile guitar. The pickups in my personal opinion are ok, are a bit muddy, but for the price of the guitar what would you expect, it is a budget Ibanez.
Features, all what to expect from an Ibanez, fast, thin neck (wizard III neck). I really like the flat black finish and the design on the bodies edges is a neat touch. Binding on the fret board also adds a nice aesthetically pleasing feature.
Quality, is really good, not much can go wrong with a fixed bridge guitar (cheap floyd equipped guitars, knife on the tremolos wear and the pivot stud in turn also, in my opinion due to the poor materials used in their manufacture) Time will tell on the quality of the instrument, but I find if you maintain the instrument there really shouldn't be an issue.
I have owned various brands of guitars and every ibanez I purchased i have never had an issue with. I own about 12-14 ibanez's and never had an problem with them, the RG series never let me down.