My jaw dropped on my first attempt to reamp. Used a plain old Boss TU-2 to split the guitar signal into may amp and straight into my interface, just for shits n' giggles to set things up. Mic'ed up the amp and recorded that, clean and through a Big Muff. I then sent the pre-recorded direct guitar down into the Muff and Amp and recorded. A/B'ing was virtually indistinguishable! I then proceeded to do a null test by inverting the phase against the original take, and obviously it doesn't completely cancel out, however, there was an average -12dB drop, low end and most low mids completely gone. More pronounced on the clean than on the fuzz… in any case, reamping has opened a completely new world for me! Particularly self-recording. I focus on performance, edit the direct recording, and then focus on the engineering side! NOT both a the same time anymore! What a blessing! I love this little yellow box to bits and highly recommend it!