I mostly use DiMarzio's and wanted to try some Duncans, so take my words with a grain of salt since I might be used to a certain type of sound, or may have picked a very genre-oriented pick-up.
This one is commonly used in the modern metal community, so I expected tight and midrange-rish pick-ups. They have some of that, but to me, the shrill highs and flubby bass (150Hz and about) were too present. They have a bit more gain than my other pick-ups so I would say they have more winding. Nothing that can't be fixed with proper EQing, but that simply isn't the tone I'm looking for right out of the instrument. Might be more suited for the more extreme genres.
Installation was quite easy, (pickup frame springs just stiff enough but not too stiff which makes installation a pain with other pickups). Seymour Duncan also has lots or wiring diagrams easily available.