This pedal was purchased to replace two pedals (OD and distortion, no cheap stuff) with one. When I took it out of the box, I set the buttons in the middle and then there was the WOW effect. How can two overdrive effects even together be so clear, clean and bright? Even the buttons on the "eleven" of both drives, every tone and note is distinct, no mud. The three options on the A and B side give many different options, and after some experimentation you will definitely find your own sound.
The four modes - Ge, Texas, 2 stage and hard - are decent overdrive effects. Treble and JFET are effects with a small overdrive and a crystal clear sound. Initially not so necessary for my style, but when combined with full overdrive you get a good boost. The purity and clarity of the Sunset pedal begged the question, could this itself become a problem? Too clear, too sterile? The tone knob helps reduce this, but the notes and frequencies are still audible. Maybe the pedal is expensive for some users, but in my opinion it is worth every penny.