Well, it's a bag for cymbals that looks quite decent for the price and has a couple extra features compared to other budget ones. It has two separate compartments and the big compartment also has 2 separation sleeves. At this price most other bags only have one big compartment with no sleeves, so this one has more features.
There are certainly better bags than this one quality-wise though, if you're willing to pay more. For example the sleeves inside are quite short, so the cymbals still come in touch with one another. Also, there is no reinforcement on the bottom that is usually the part that weakens out after use and the cymbals can tear the bag through and hit the ground every time you put it down. This happened to my old bag (a stagg budget one btw) so I had to replace it.
In all fairness, this won't happen immediately and I just recently got this bag so I can't say anything certain, but some extra padding or a patch of leather underneath wouldn't skyrocket the price and it would make this bag much better.
Anyway...all in all, it's a decent bag for the money.