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Worth Strings B-B Baritone Ukulele Set


Fluorocarbon Strings for Baritone Ukulele

  • Medium Guages: 0.0244, 0.0291, 0.0319, 0.0358
  • All purpose strings for accompaniment and solo play
  • String length is sufficient for 2 sets of
  • Colour: Brown
Available since August 2016
Item number 397476
Sales Unit 1 piece(s)
Material Carbon
Colour Brown
Soprano No
Concert No
Tenor No
Baritone Yes
Low-G No
Bass No
83 AED 20,92 €
Plus 277 AED shipping
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Since we ship from Germany, additional costs through taxes and customs may be incurred
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11 Customer ratings

4.5 / 5

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10 Reviews

double quality set for the money
Gianluca Romani 17.07.2022
As others say, the envelope contains twice as long strings so you cut them in half and you have two sets of strings, so the price is aligned with other products. Every string comes in separate plastic envelope with a progressive number and relative note clearly written on, you can't go wrong while mounting. Strings material seems pretty resistant and mounting is fast and easy. Two major issues: first, strings are smooth so when you play with your finger pads, some of them tend to be squeaky (mainly the first string). You can solve this with a couple of passages of very thin steel wool on the string where your finger touches the string. Second issue is intonation: for the first 2-3 days the strings sound out of tune, you have to tune a thousand time but the intonation is not stable. After some days the strings settle and they sound with the correct pitch. I have had this problem mainly with 4th string (the low D string). The only thing you have to do is knowing this and be patient some days to stratch the strings with constant tuning. The sound has a brilliant component but mainly it has a thick body, with sweet nuances. Sound volume is good, sustain could be better. I have been in mail contact with the producer and he assures me the difference with clear Worth strings is brown ones are made of a different density PVDF. So material and gauges are identical, the sound is different because of different density of brown PVDF confronted to transparent PVDF. I play these strings with fingerpicking tecnique on a Thomann lute baritone ukulele and they sound great, the overall result is intimistic and very close to a real lute effect, perfect to play renaissance and baroque music (you can buy a lot of book on Amazon compiled by Michael P. Walker where you find a lot of this type of music transcribed for baritone uke, they are very pleasant to play). My overall assestment on these strings is very good and they seem to last for a long time with many hours of nice sound.


75% fantastic, 25% disappointing
Pelic 04.11.2019
I was very happy to find a set of unwound strings for my baritone. They have a really nice sound, are easy on the fingertips, and won't break as easily as wound strings. The only con is that the D string has a very low tension that makes it feel sloppy, and even buzz when you play hard, and I play pretty damn hard. I'd absolutely recommend them to others, at least to try them out . Although they are a bit pricey, they are really long, so in effect, you get 2 sets of strings in one pack.


Worth the money
SilverAlice 04.06.2024
I always had the same issue with wound strings on the ukulele: after one day of playing they would start to come apart and I'd have to replace them.
These ones are a great compromise between a nice sound and durability.


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Qualität made in Japan..
Alexander K. S. 26.09.2022
"Made in Japan" - dieses Qualitätssiegel findet man (ebenso wie "Made in Germany" mittlerweile viel zu selten. Nicht dass in diesen Ländern die Qualität auf der Strecke geblieben wäre. Sie ist den meisten Zeitgenossen schlichtweg zu teuer geworden, die ROC macht's billiger...
Die Worth-Saiten sind teuer (man tröstet sich allerorten mit der Länge der Saiten), aber sie sind "worth the money". Allerdings auch etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig. So gibt es keine einzige umwickelte Saite, alle sind "plain", was mindestens die D-Saite in Verdacht geraten lässt, ihre Aufgabe unzureichend zu erfüllen. Völlig zu Unrecht, wie sich schon nach kurzer Zeit herausstellt. Zum anderen ist die Spannung der Saiten nicht gleich, sondern erhöht sich von der tiefen zur hohen sukzessive. Das kommt dem Fingerstyle sehr entgegen. Auf den ersten Blick - oder besser "Griff" - kommt einem die unterste Saite sehr weich vor. Doch da haben sich die Japaner durchaus was bei gedacht und ihre Saiten eben nicht so wie alle anderen gestaltet.
Zum Klang finden sich in den Rezensionen über Worth-Saiten jede Menge Elogen, weshalb ich dies an dieser Stelle sparen kann, sie stimmen. Vielleicht ein Wort zum Quietschen: Gibt's nicht - die Saiten sind einfach zu glatt.
FAZIT: Diese Saiten sind High-Tech - und das ist und bleibt die Domäne der Japaner.
